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Delicious and Healthy Snacks That Boost Fitness

People who are trying to get fit may make a critical mistake in avoiding snacks. They may be hoping to avoid over-consumption or processed, unhealthy foods by resisting the urge to snack, but in reality, their skipped snacks could derail their efforts. Healthy snacks can help you feel fuller, eat more realistic portions at meal times, and most importantly, sustain your energy levels for your exercise and fitness regimen.

As an important note, whether you’re eating a meal or a snack, be sure to drink water. The more active you are, the more hydration your body needs for optimal performance.

Carbohydrates Offer Quick Energy

Healthy sources of carbohydrates eaten between 30 and 60 minutes before a workout can supply you with the energy you need to really perform your best. Some fresh fruit can provide you with healthy sugars, while whole-grain snacks, such as a handful of granola, whole-grain toast, or even a half serving of oatmeal, not only boost your energy but help your body maintain steady blood sugar levels. You want complex carbohydrates and not simple carbohydrates, like refined sugar and flour products.

Protein Is Critical For Muscle Growth and Health

If you’re going to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, your body needs key ingredients to maintain itself. Protein, whether it comes from animal or plant sources, is necessary for the healing of muscle tissue after exercise. It’s important to combine protein intake with complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy, and fruits and vegetables, which replace key micronutrients such as minerals and vitamins while also supplying your body with ever-important fiber.

Eat Plant-Based Foods at Every Meal

Just like you want to balance your consumption of protein and complex carbohydrates at each meal, you also want to focus on including fruits or vegetables at every meal. Over the course of the day, try to get as many colors as possible. Try for greens, oranges, yellows, and red/purples every single day. This will help ensure you are taking in an assortment of naturally-occurring vitamins and minerals every day.

Seasonings Can Be Healthy, Too

While you want to take it easy on the salt and sugar, many other spices offer health benefits. Garlic and onion are associated with healthier cholesterol levels. Hot peppers, which get their heat from a chemical called capsaicin, can not only make your food more flavorful, but may offer some minor cardiovascular health benefits as well.

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Take a Deep Breath to Relieve Stress

Take a Deep Breath.

The average person takes 23,000 breaths each day. Have you ever noticed how you breathe? Caught yourself holding your breath? Or found the relaxation of a deep, cleansing breath?

If you’re like most people, you use only 20% of your lung capacity, taking short, shallow breaths.  This is especially true during times of stress – which these days is seemingly quite often. Whether you know it or not, most of us live in a constant state of stress. And in the midst of stress, we have an unconscious tendency to breathe shallow and tighten the core.

This type of breathing is thoracic, or chest breathing.  Which doesn’t lead to good oxygen exchange, and can trigger the stress response in your body.  Stress is useful at times, and can help you rise to meet challenges. It can keep you on your toes at work, sharpen your concentration, or drive you to go the extra mile in preparing for that all important presentation.

However, beyond your comfort zone, stress stops being helpful and can start causing major damage to your mind and body.

Your nervous system often does a poor job of distinguishing between daily stress and life-threatening events. When you stress over the little things your body can still react as if you’re facing a life-or-death situation.  And when you repeatedly experience the fight or flight stress response in your daily life, it can raise blood pressure, suppress the immune system, increase the risk of heart attack and stroke, speed up the aging process and leave you vulnerable to a host of mental and emotional problems.

Enter the power of pause.  A deep breath buys you time – pause, if you will.

Before you yell at your child, spouse, the driver that just cut you off, the sales clerk that simply doesn’t care.  Exhale.  When you’re stuck in traffic. When the scale doesn’t read the number you want. When you’re late for that all important meeting. When you’re put on hold…again. When you’re tired and you simply can’t go one more step.

Breathe. Drop your shoulders. Exhale.

Getting oxygen to your brain is the best thing that you can do to make a mindful choice. To give you more energy. To gain clarity and improve your mood.  Hard to remember in the heat of the moment, but more important than you know.  Even better to practice when you’re not completely stressed out, so in the heat of the moment you have a fighting chance.

A few breathing techniques to try and reduce stress in your life:

– Box breathing.  This method is often used by the military and elite athletes.

– Three Breathing Exercises from Dr. Andrew Weil.

Progressive Relaxation. A technique to release stress and tension from head to toe.

What is your favorite breathing exercise?  Please share in the comments below.

When you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace.
~ Author Unknown

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Week Two: The Honeymoon is Over

This is a guest post by Flow Member, Caroline Zelonka, participating in The Reset.

A little over a week and I’m feeling … well .. so-so. My energy levels are all over the place. I’m finding it easier to get going in the morning, but in the afternoons and early evenings I start to drag.

I’m also getting really tired of potatoes.

On a positive note, I’m proud of myself for making it through the first weekend despite plenty of temptation – wine, pizza, chocolate cake – waved in my face. (Literally: my 11-year-old nephew playfully taunted me after I explained my eating plan. He later redeemed himself by engaging me in a competitive game of ping-pong.)

But I gained newfound resolve at Tuesday’s Reset meetup. Beth led us in some stretching exercises, and we shared some tips and tricks. Speaking of, I wanted to share some of the advice I’ve gleaned, from Reset members and elsewhere.

  1. Read labels: You’d be surprised what foods contain sugars, disguised as sucrose, dextrose, maltose, barley malt and more. (The blog Sugar Science claims there are at least 61 different names for sugar on food labels.) But just as often, you can find surprisingly-compliant foods. My favorite Kroger brand mustard, for example, is fine.
  2. Freeze treats: Ambushed by a gift of homemade cookies or birthday cake? Thank the giver profusely, then throw it into the freezer to enjoy once the Reset is over. If you think you’ll be too tempted having it in your house, throw them in your work fridge (if you have one) or ask a friend to keep them for you.
  3. Design your plate: Take some time to plate your dishes nicely, and don’t forget the garnish. “Even a sprig of parsley helps,” said one Reset member. Attractive plating can also help convince your partner or kids to eat, or at least try, your Whole 30 creations.
  4. Chia seeds: A good source of soluble fiber, these little seeds can be mixed with any fluid (I prefer coconut milk) to make a pudding-like substance or thicken a smoothie. Add some ripe banana or pear for sweetness. If you don’t like them, you can always throw them in your Chia Pet.
  5. Infused water: These cold, dry days are dehydrating enough, and if you’re like me, this diet makes you pee more than usual. One solution: try creating waters infused with cucumber, berries, citrus juice, fresh ginger, or tea. (Ginger tea also makes a yummy hot drink.) You can also sip garnished sparkling water and sorta-kinda pretend it’s a cocktail.
  6. Keep your eyes on the prize: It’s only been 10 days, likely not enough time to see much progress. But I’m trying to celebrate every healthy food choice, label read, sugary snack skipped, red wine not ordered. I put the scale away, but I can tell my belly is a little less bloated. And though my energy levels are rather unpredictable, I can feel the “tiger blood” starting to form.

I’m also thinking about rewards. I’m keeping track of the money I’m not spending on snacks, wine, and cocktails, and am putting it into an account which I will use to buy … well, I’m not sure. Any ideas? Let me and others know in the comments, and feel free to share your own Whole 30 tips.

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The Reset Begins.

This is a guest post by Flow Member, Caroline Zelonka, participating in The Reset.

After a full month of eating, drinking, cocktailing, and ignoring my expanding waistline, I am going into this Whole 30 Reset with high hopes.

My name is Caroline. I’m a writer and Flow Fitness member (you might have seen me on the elliptical, watching Pioneer Woman), and will be blogging about the Reset experience. It’s my first time doing a Whole 30, though I’ve tried almost every diet out there, starting with The Zone in the mid 1990s.

While I’d love to drop a few pounds, my main goal for my Whole 30 is to reduce inflammation. I’d love for my eczema to clear up, and my recurrent knee pain to subside. Not convinced my diet has anything to do with these things, but it can’t hurt to try. I was one of those kids who was allergic to everything, nuts especially, so I’m thinking eliminating potentially problematic foods might be helpful.

So in preparation for this week’s start, I stocked my kitchen. Coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, almond milk, chia seeds, eggs, raw walnuts, a bunch of frozen veggies and fruit. I live by myself, so this was pretty easy. I found good prices on a lot of these things at Trader Joe’s, but they also can be had at the South Lake Union Whole Foods if you are into convenience over cost.

I also prepped by making some chia pudding (one can coconut milk, one cup almond milk, ⅔ cups chia seeds, whipped and refrigerated overnight), and roasting some cajun-seasoned skinless chicken thighs and sweet potatoes. I also made a sweet potato Shepherd’s pie, subbing white potatoes for the sweets. (I prefer sweet potatoes, but I had picky eaters to feed that night.)

I’m going to try to go to the gym at least three days this week. Normally, I also walk to and from my house in Judkins Park to my office in SLU, but the extreme cold has made this unpleasant. (I take the bus if the weather is nasty, or if I’m late. Today it was both.)

Two days in, I feel pretty good, but I haven’t been confronted with any serious temptations yet. At my office, all we have left in terms of treats is a large bucket of candy canes. And I’ve cleared out my house pretty well, foisting off a jar of peanut butter and wedge of cheese onto my neighbor.

It was great meeting some of the Reset participants at the Kick Off at Flow. I’m collecting your tips and tricks for possible use in a future blog post. If you have anything you want to share, or ideas for a Reset blog post, please email me at

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Tips for Sticking with Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions

When the time for New Year’s resolutions rolls around, nothing is as common as saying you’re going to get in shape. In a survey, 37 percent of people said they wanted to be fit and 32 percent said they wanted to drop weight. It’s also way too common to watch those goals fall apart by February; 75 percent of people claimed they didn’t stick with it. If you really want to get in shape and stay fit this year, these tips will help:

1. Find a type of exercise you enjoy and look forward to.

If you hate running, it’s not hard to give up since you dread going to the gym. If you love biking or swimming, though, you’re far more likely to be dedicated if you pick those activities. People don’t give up because they can’t physically do it. They give up because they want to stop. Picking activities you love gets you over this mental hurdle.

2. Don’t be afraid of starting small.

You don’t need to go to the gym seven days a week and run four miles each time. Start small. Go twice a week, then work on moving up to every other day. Just work out for 30 minutes, rather than 60. You can increase everything as you get into shape. Starting small makes it seem far more manageable. Even small steps help tremendously.

3. Don’t get mired in routine.

People often stop working out because they’re bored. There are only so many miles you can go on a treadmill before it gets tough mentally. Change up your routine to keep things fresh. Just run on Mondays and Wednesdays, for instance. Spend another day in the pool, another day on a bike, and another one lifting weights. Take fitness classes. Learn new exercises. If you really get sick of one type of exercise, just take a break for a month while you focus on other areas.

Remember, the key to staying in shape is consistency. Do what it takes to develop healthy habits, and you’ll be much more likely to hit those goals.

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There Is No Hack for Getting Healthy

Hack: The word is everywhere. There are travel hacksbusiness hacksgym hacks — there are even sex hacks. It seems there’s a shortcut to everything. Except there really isn’t.

Hack (per “a person, as an artist or writer, who exploits, for money, his or her creative ability or training in the production of dull, unimaginative, and trite work; one who produces banal and mediocre work in the hope of gaining commercial success in the arts.”

I love how Rich Roll talks about it for a Revitalize video: When did “hacking” something become a good thing?

Most people are looking for the easy way — looking to getting rid of the arm flab without lifting a weight, lose 20 pounds while not changing a thing or run a marathon without a plan. I’m here to tell you: There is no easy way. There is no hack to getting healthy. Even if there are several blog posts (herehere and here) that will tell you otherwise.

Running a marathon, losing weight, and getting healthy are long games. They take day-in-and-day-out work. 

It’s not easy, and no one ever said it would be.

In fact, it’s downright hard — eating healthy, being mindful, losing weight, finishing the project, keeping the motivation going, and on and on.

And though it may not be easy, there are ways to make it easier.

It’s not easy for me to get up early every day. But I know that I’m a much better person in general if I’ve had a little time to myself before I engage with others. I know that if I move my body early, I’m going to feel 100 times better once I’m done — and I’ve moved, so my day is free for other things. This is what helps me rise. This helps me beat down resistance. It’s not easy, but this thought makes it easier.

Name what you want to achieve: losing weight, running a race, improving life and health in general. Instead of looking for a shortcut,  how can you make it easier? A shift in thinking. A partner to hold you accountable. A gadget to track your time. Something. Anything.

What might help you? We’d love to know.

There is no hack. It may not be easy, but it’s worth it.

CategoriesBlog Nourish.

It’s Not About Weight Loss

Losing weight is a perennial favorite New Year’s resolution. But is weight really the problem?  Most of us think we are overweight because the doctor or insurance company tells us our body-mass index (BMI) is too high.  BMI was a calculation invented in the early 1800s (seriously, we haven’t come up with anything better since then) — it is simply weight divided by height.  

Russell Wilson at 215 pounds and 5’11” has a BMI of 30 and is considered “obese.” Let’s hike up his life-insurance premium! 

The resolution: Focus on body composition, not weight.

The reality is that most of us aren’t like Russell Wilson; we have some “bad weight” we can lose.  However, is bad weight the problem? Or is the real problem our poor eating habits and lack of activity?   

At Flow, we think it’s the latter. By focusing on eating right and being more active, you’ll feel better about yourself, and those unhealthy pounds will mysteriously disappear.  

At Flow, we’re focused on getting our members healthier and stronger.  Our “Reset” program is based on the acclaimed Whole30 program, wherein you eat real food, and as much of it as you want.  No calorie counting or pre-made foods that are full of artificial ingredients to trick you into thinking it’s food. This is a program that will help you make lifestyle changes and improve your body’s energy level and health.  Our “Resolution” package offers a physical assessment and three sessions with a personal trainer to help you get on the path to rebuilding lean muscle, which will jumpstart your metabolism to help you get rid of the bad weight and keep it off.

This new year, ditch your calorie-starved diet that leaves you feeling weak and lethargic and focus on getting healthier and stronger. You will be amazed by the increase in energy and confidence and how it will permeate your entire life (personal and professional).  We will also bet that you’ll have to buy some new clothes that don’t look so baggy on you, too.


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Why You Should Add Small Group Personal Training to Your Christmas List

With the rise in popularity of boutique training studios and CrossFit “boxes”, the demand for small group training is higher than ever. When we talk about small group training, we are not talking about group exercise classes, such as body pump, Spin, or boot camps as they tend to accommodate much larger groups ( more than ten participants ). What small group training strives to do, is to give the participants the type of workout/experience that you could only get if you hired a personal trainer. In fact most of these small group training sessions are in fact coached by certified personal trainers.

At Flow, we began Flow Functional Team Training ( which will officially be called Training Camp in early 2017) in response to this growing desire for more sophisticated training, programming, and coaching than is typically found in your larger volume classes. If you have never thought of small group training as a viable option for yourself, here are five reasons why it may help you crush your New Years Goals:

1. Cost effective : While most small group training memberships and/or sessions will cost more than a standard gym membership, the price is considerably less than a 1 on 1 personal training session. Our average session price for a Flow Functional Team Training session is between $12.50-20.00 (depending on how often you train). That’s at least $45.00 cheaper than our least expensive training package (per session).  

2. Increased Frequency : With a lower price point, you have the ability to work with a trainer more often, which in most cases will lead to better results in the long run . Many personal training clients make the mistake of hiring a personal trainer with the idea that if they see him or her one time/week (with an occasional “self” workout), they will reach all their goals. The harsh reality is that no matter how great your trainer is , one time/week will most likely have you falling short and feeling frustrated. 

3. Camaraderie: Probably one of the best reasons to participate in small group training is the great relationships you can make with other members. The team effect helps motivate you to push a bit harder than you would on your own. Moreover, really great groups will inspire and cheer each other on until the last person is finished . Sometimes the participants are more motivating than the trainer themselves. The smaller group size makes it comfortable for those with a more introverted personality or who may be intimidated by very large classes. 

4. Variety in exercises: Small group size means the opportunity to do more sophisticated and potentially effective exercises , such as box jumps, kettle bell swings, Olympic lifts, rowing, or just lifting heavier weights. The main reason, is that with a smaller number, your trainer still has the ability to effectively coach you in these movements to ensure proper form and safety. Further , you will also have the opportunity to learn movements/exercises that you normally would avoid on your own.

5. Coaching: Nothing beats 1 on 1 training for true customization of programming as well as the focus solely being on you . However, personal trainers have the ability (through smaller group sizes) to make adjustments to programming to cater to your unique orthopedic or health needs. Many exercises in our Flow Functional program have alternatives that allow most training sessions to be appropriate for all ages and abilities. Small group training is as much about instruction and education as it is about “getting a great workout”. 

Whatever reason makes the most sense to you, small group training serves as a great “marriage” between the programming, variety, and attention you find with a personal trainer and the cost savings and team atmosphere you will find in most large group exercise classes. Our Flow Functional Team Training program represents just another great option that each member has to exceed their goals and we look forward to helping you in the New Years and for many years to come! 

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Nine of Our Favorite Gym Memes

Now that the Seattle gloom has finally settled in and made its presence felt, I thought it would be a good idea to have some fun and laugh a little with Flow Fitness’ 9 favorite gym memes (Top 10 is just too mainstream). The take-home message for many of these memes is to never be THAT person (unless it’s the Hulk … Always be the Hulk. Enjoy!

9. Resolutions Memes

Yup, it’s that time of year again where people’s top priority is to gain, lose, tone, chisel, bulk and tighten. Gym usage will soar to new heights, as lines for the treadmill will look like opening night for a Seahawks game. Many gym regulars use this time to take a break from the gym, as many can’t deal with the increased crowd of “newbies” trying to jumpstart their fitness routine. This frustration only lasts for a moment – within 30 days of reaching max capacity, the dust settles and things turn back to normal. New Year’s goals become a distant memory and, sadly, many resort back to their “regular” routine of inactivity.  For those of you who are sufferers from the “resolution blues,” think about enlisting the services of a certified personal trainer who can hold you accountable, help you set up realistic goals and develop a custom program that fits you like a glove!

8. The Pre-Workout Meme

Pre-workouts are exactly what the name entails, something you take prior to your workout to enhance your performance. Most pre-workouts contain various amounts of caffeine that can range from one to four cups of coffee, carbohydrates (which serves as your primary fuel source while training) and, in some cases, branched-chain amino acids (which aid in muscle recovery and repair).  This perfect storm of ingredients has left people feeling superhuman once it “kicks in,” which generally takes 20 to 30 minutes after consumption. 


7. Protein Obsessed Meme

When it comes to post-workout nutrition, nothing beats good ol’ fashioned protein. This especially holds true for those trying to put on lean-muscle mass. When consuming protein, it is best to consume from lean sources, such as chicken, fish and very lean red meat (such as bison or filet mignon). It is recommended that you consume between 0.4 to 0.9 grams of protein per pound of body weight (depending on your activity levels and training goals). Eating your first-born is discouraged and illegal, so don’t do it.


6. Chicken Leg Meme

While lower-body mass (including glutes) should account for much of your total lean muscle mass, many people get consumed with the showcase muscles of the chest, arms, and abs and train their legs as an afterthought.  This gym sin leaves the guilty party looking like an upside-down pyramid, as pencil-thin legs fight to keep their giant torso moving forward. As a rule of thumb, you should have 2 days dedicated to your lower body and stimulate it with heavy weights, compound movements (squats and deadlifts) and volume.  The good news is that you are still jacked and intimidating, so most people will only laugh at you behind your back.  Of importance: This looks just as ridiculous on women as it does for men.


5. The After-Leg Day Meme

Avid gym rats who don’t subscribe to meme No. 6 always appreciate a good leg workout. They also appreciate the pain, soreness, inability to sit on the toilet or the ability to do most tasks with any grace or beauty (this includes walking) for several days. Very rarely when we see somebody walking funny as they leave or enter the gym do we immediately show concern for a potential injury. We simply give them a nod and acknowledge that another leg day is in the books. Though we appreciate a grueling training session, it is important after any workout, to give the body at least 24 hours to recover and to avoid doing similar body parts on consecutive days. More is not always better; better is better!


4. The Swole-Mate Meme

Nothing is better than having a “mate” pressing, sprinting, grunting and sweating buckets right next to you during your workout. Bonus points are given if this person is your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife.  It serves as an amazing motivator and it holds you accountable for your success or failure.  When looking for your perfect training partner, make sure you have similar goals and interest in the gym. If your potential partner’s definition of working out is 20 minutes on the recumbent bike while playing solitaire and yours is 10 500-meter rows for time, then I suggest you keep looking. 


3. Curling in the Squat Rack

This meme needs no explanation. Don’t ever do it, and if you are thinking about it, erase it from your mind immediately! It’s just plain wrong!


2. Messy Lifter Meme

This is a down-right mutual respect thing. Nothing is more frustrating for gym-goers than to come across misplaced gym equipment – or just a messy gym in general. It’s just like your mom used to say when you were a little kid, “Put things back where you found them.” Now come back to reality, realize that you are no longer a kid and that your mom will not be picking up after your workout.


1. Judgemental Gym Goer

I’ll end on a rather serious note with this final meme, as this is the culture we are trying to rid the world of. There is no room for bullying, body-shaming (this includes the chicken-leg people) or criticism of anybody. This is especially true if they are taking the steps to improve themselves (in any way that makes him or her happy). The gym can be an extremely intimidating place for most people, and it is our job to welcome each person into the fitness community with open arms and with a willingness to help and support them during their journey. If you think you are better than somebody else because you have 6-pack abs or chiseled calves, you have missed a great opportunity to inspire and empower others to create the strongest version of themselves. Like Spiderman learned early on in his journey of superpowerdom: “With great power, comes great responsibility”. Use your powers for good and aggressively spread the enthusiasm you have about fitness to others. You never know whose life you may change.


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What are you grateful for today?

Thanksgiving: It’s the time of year to celebrate what we’re thankful for.  However, we don’t have to relegate our gratitude to one day a year.  Developing an “attitude of gratitude” in your everyday is one of the simplest ways to improve your satisfaction with life. The benefits of a regular gratitude practice are nearly endless, but here are five to consider:

1)  Gratitude improves your health. Grateful people experience fewer aches and pains and report feeling healthier than other people.  They exercise more often and are more likely to attend regular check ups with their doctors (which can contribute to longevity).  In addition, gratitude reduces many toxic emotions, ranging from envy, comparison and resentment, to frustration and regret.  It’s not surprising, then, that being grateful increases happiness and reduces depression.

2)  A regular gratitude practice improves your ability to cope. Learning to see the good in your life even when hard times come is a powerful coping strategy.

3)  Grateful people sleep better. Writing in a gratitude journal improves sleep, according to a 2011 study published in Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being. Spend a few minutes before bed jotting down a few grateful sentiments and you may fall asleep easier, along with sleeping better and longer.

4)  Gratitude makes you a more effective manager.  Whether you’re managing a team at work or at home, gratitude can improve your ability to lead.  Effective management requires many skills. While criticism and judgement come all too easily for most, the ability to express gratitude and praise is often lacking.  Timely, sincere, specific praise is often a more powerful method of influencing change than criticism.  Expressions of gratitude can be highly motivating, while criticism can be de-motivating.  Cultivate an attitude of gratitude and see what you can do.

5)  Gratitude feels good – surprise, surprise – gratitude simply feels good, and when you feel good you’re more likely to do a whole host of other things.  

Not sure where to start your gratitude practice?  Here are a couple of ideas:

Say thanks. Send a text. Write an email or compose a hand-written letter.  Best of all: Say it face-to-face. Tell someone “thank you” from the heart today and see how good it makes you feel.

Keep a gratitude journal.  Every evening before bed, jot down three to five things that you are grateful for. They can be big things or simple ones – the key is that they’re different every day.  

Go forth, and be grateful.