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I don’t have time to workout.

You’ve heard the excuse.  You may have even used it yourself.

And yet, it’s likely not entirely true.

Have you ever stopped to think what might happen if you don’t exercise?

We often don’t think about health, until it’s too late.  Better to make it a priority right now, rather than wish you did, on your way to yet another doctor’s office.  Exercise has incredible benefits beyond simply being fit and losing weight. Regular exercise improves your mood, slows the aging process, promotes better sleep, boosts energy, reduces stress and actually helps you to get more done.

Four tips to making health a priority:

Me time.  It’s hard to exercise if you’re overwhelmed and can’t fit anything more into your day.  Learn to say no (even if you feel guilty), and build in time just for you.  Tip:  Start small.  15 minutes

Move more.  Walking is cheap and easy.  Walk as much as you can during the day ~ down the hall, out to lunch, running errands.  Schedule your meetings to walk and talk.  Here are seven powerful reasons to do so.

Know your why.  Exercising is not always easy.  There are days when you want to skip the gym or stay in bed rather than run – and that’s fine, every now and then.  If you know your why – and it’s strong – you’ll be more motivated to get moving. What’s your why? 

Make it fun.  Hate the treadmill?  Not coordinated enough for step class?  Don’t do it. Working out is easier if you love what you’re doing.  Find exercise you enjoy and get moving.

Move more, not less.  You’ve got time.  Make health a priority today!

CategoriesBlog Move.

Sitting is the new smoking.

You’ve likely heard of the potential health issues linked with sitting too much ~ it increases your risk for diabetes, is linked with cancer, raises your risk for a heart attack, as well as literally widening your posterior region.

New research, published in BMJ Open, indicates that sitting for less than three hours a day may actually add years to your life span.  However, we know that ditching the seated position completely is not always an option.  

There are standing desks, but standing all day can cause another set of issues.
The key is movement. 
How can you add movement to your work day?  One idea:  Walk and talk.  Take your phone calls on the move or schedule walking meetings.  Add small bits of movement to your every day.  This may add years to your life.   

What will you do?